Tile Snipers

Team Members

Team Points: 12

Keyword: Raging Echoes Bingo

Smoke Battlestaff
Any Jar Drop
Kraken Tentacle
Any Pet
3x Dragon Pickaxe
2x Huey Unique
Godsword from scratch
Wildy Shield from scratch
Any Masori Armour
2x Bludgeon Pieces
5x Scurrius Spines
Zombie Axe & Helmet
Tbow / Scythe / Shadow
3x Crystal CG Seeds
Any VW Piece
2x Araxxor Unique
Dex & Arcane
Trio of heads
2million Thieving XP`
Lord of the rings
4x Zulrah Unique
Justiciar Armour Piece
Nex Unique
4x Perilous Moons Unique